We ship across India. Minimum order value Rs.500
We invite CCTV technician & freshers
who have interest in installating CCTV to become your own boss by partnering with us. We give you the CCTV orders & you install it for a professional fees.
You’re in charge
There is no one to report to, you are your own boss
You pick the time
Log in and log out anytime you want. We are live 24x7
Your job, your city
You work & earn in your own city or town
Earn as you go
Do as many orders as you want in a month
You’ll be far from bored
We offer one of the best compensations in the market
Be a part of the fastest growing tech startup
Join the movement

Being a AGScctv Partner has given me the wings to go after my dreams

AGScctv allows me to be my own boss, I can plan my day and log in any time I want

Ajay kumar
My family is the most important thing to me. This job gives the power to do more for them